If someone had mentioned “negotiation” to me before the module, I would have considered it a synonym for CONFLICT. I am a person who strongly dislikes conflict. I already thought that the last module about presentation skills was going to be tough, not negotiation was going to be even tougher. However, to my surprise, the few days in Collbató turned out to be quite the opposite. Here are the three things I enjoyed the most about the module:
- There are different conflict management styles that you can learn to use interdependently. It doesn’t matter if you have a predetermined style; you can learn other styles and use them to your advantage in any given situation.
- Some negotiations are about creating value for both parties and reaching win-win agreements. It is not always about destroying the other party. When you focus on how you can make your situation better, you can create even more value than when you focus on terminating the other party.
- Be prepared in advance for every negotiation. Good preparation is the key. Do your homework and get to know who you are dealing with in order to create your strategy. Try to uncover the other party’s interests, needs, and motivations.
Written by: Deborah Yap, International Master in Managment 2015