What do candidates look for in ideal employers?

What do candidates need to see in their ideal employer in talent hunting processes?Data gathered on the millennials and employees from different countries point to the following critical aspects:

– Purpose and innovation:

Ideal employers are employers whose employees can align themselves with the organisation’s values, meaningfully explain their stories and provide space for being innovative, thus contributing to the organisation’s future. For employees in Spain, a company’s reputation accounts for 20 percent of the overall importance of company choice, whereas the people and the culture represent more than 25 percent.

– Professional growth:

Ideal employers encourage employees to grow. Millennials expect a career plan, good leadership and more informal and constant feedback.

– Flexibility and Wellbeing:

These continue to be key issues for 2016. This means being able to work from home and developing a greater awareness around the balance between work/life.


The trends for 2016 indicate that more and more people are going to choose freelancework. And what about intelligent contracts, contracts that in future will become more agile, doing away with intermediaries? Will a large percentage of ideal employers be people?

Surely then, values and relationship building will become significantly more important for freelancers selling their skills. Ideal employers will combine values and career growth to individuals for whom the key is the relationship, the cultural fit, the project at hand and compensation. The return to the basics of good leadership, personal growth opportunities and benefits continues to prevail.

Diverse work formats will coexist in 2016 and, irrespective of whether the ideal employer isa big corporation or a self-employed freelancer. These trends are very different from the conditions that prevailed during the Industrial Revolution, when not even in their dreams could adults and children imagine flexibility, personal growth and corporate values.

By Melissa Handley Director, EADAAlumni and EADA Careers. Article originally published in the Economist 11 February 2016