The B Impact Team shares their experience in sustainability consulting

Three members of the B Impact Team: Pierre Fabre, Mart Jacobs, and Jason Reddig

We interviewed the members of this year’s B Impact Team to find out what it was like working as consultants for Makers of Barcelona (MOB). The B Impact Team is a student-led, faculty-supervised consulting team that measures the social and environmental impact of a chosen company, and assesses its eligibility for B Corp Certification. The B Impact project was a follow up activity from the B Corporation Movement Conference & Debate held at EADA in January.

The B Impact Team was composed of participants from different International Master programmes who worked together towards certifying MOB: Pierre Fabre (Master in Sustainable Business & Innovation), Mart Jacobs (Master in Management), Edward Jimenez (Master in Finance) and Jason Reddig (Master in Finance).

What motivated you to join the B Impact Team?

Edward: I am interested in pursuing a career in consulting and the B Impact Team gave me valuable experience to add to my C.V. Furthermore, I’ve always wanted to support companies who are socially and environmentally responsible, so this was definitely an initiative that I wanted to take part in.

Jason: I was excited to provide consulting services and have a positive impact on a local business so that it could attain an internationally respected certification in environmental and social responsibility.

Mart: It was a great opportunity to go a little bit further than just evaluating my own life choices and learn about how companies – entities with a bigger reach than just one person – can contribute to a sustainable future.

Pierre: Since businesses are in large part responsible for our unsustainable consumption pattern, pollution and waste issues, I was curious to find out how companies could be designated as “sustainable”. As a member of the B-Impact Team, I worked hand-in-hand with MOB to advise them on their environmental footprint and responsible management actions. Getting concrete work experience in my field of study was invaluable.

The biggest take-away was learning that I really enjoy this line of work. As an aspiring consultant, I enjoyed meeting the client, assessing the business and devising strategies to help generate success in the future.

What has been the biggest take-away from the experience?

Edward: The biggest take-away has been working with individuals from other International Master and MBA programmes. It’s been great to hear their opinions and viewpoints and to work with such a diverse group towards a common goal.

Jason: For me, the biggest take-away was learning that I really enjoy this line of work. As an aspiring consultant, I enjoyed meeting the client, assessing the business and devising strategies to help generate success in the future. It was a pleasure to be on a team of equally motivated individuals – everyone had a clear understanding of their function and responsibility inside the group.

Mart: I learned that the changes that can be implemented to improve a company’s score don’t necessarily have to be huge or intimidating, which makes the whole concept that much more accessible for companies considering certification. As is often true in life, every little effort helps when trying to reach a goal! This becomes very clear when using the B Impact Assessment Tool’s point-based system: each company initiative that contributes to sustainability can bring the company that much closer to acquiring the B Corp Certification.

Pierre: The highlight was the cooperative attitude that we created between MOB and our team. We were able to establish a relationship of trust that meant that we could work more efficiently to help them meet the sustainability requirements.

What is the most valuable thing you have learned so far?

Mart: There is a general tendency to point the finger at corporations and blame them for the deterioration of our planet, but B Corporation has also taught me that companies doesn’t all have to be so destructive. Those same entities that have caused so much damage can also contribute to the world in a positive way.

Pierre: I learn that the effective delegation of tasks and great planning are essential to meeting the objectives of any project. As a consultant, being extremely well prepared and knowledgeable about the assessment process was key. This allowed us to collect the most accurate information to assess the company’s profile using the B Impact Assessment Tool.

Why would you recommend joining a B Impact Team to future EADA students?

Mart: Not only does it show future employers that you care about positive change, it also has a more general positive impact on your mind-set. It forces you to think about how companies operate from a different perspective and can also help you to start thinking a bit more about your own daily activities.

Pierre: It was a great practical way to try out my leadership skills in a team while working towards a common objective. The B Impact Team gave me great insight into what companies can do in order to become more socially and environmentally responsible. Getting to work with a real company like MOB prepared me for future consultancy work – I had to use my analytical skills to ensure the best results.