The Melody of Hospitality

Music is everywhere, even in the silent spaces between notes. Now, imagine our bustling world of hotels and restaurants, where every corner resonates with its own unique tune.

Just as a composer crafts a symphony to evoke emotions and create memorable experiences for the audience, the various teams in hotels and restaurants work together with the intention of delivering exceptional guest experiences and stirring emotions.

How do we relate the elements of service with the elements of music?

  1. Hospitality Atmosphere – This is like the melody of a song, setting the overall tone and mood for the guest experience. In the same way that a melody captures your attention, the atmosphere in a hotel or restaurant draws guests in and sets the stage for their journey.  So, FOSTER a strong service CULTURE.
  2. Warm Welcome – Comparable to the opening notes of a piece of music, a warm welcome sets the tone for the entire interaction. It’s like the initial chord that grabs your attention and invites you to listen more closely.  So, PLAN, EXCITE AND CONNECT.
  3. Efficient Service – This is akin to the rhythm of a song, providing structure and flow to the guest experience. Just as rhythm keeps a song moving forward, efficient service ensures that guests feel attended to and cared for throughout their visit.  So, ANTICIPATE.
  4. Personalised Attention – Like the harmonies in a musical composition, personalised attention adds depth and richness to the guest experience. It’s about tuning in to the individual needs and preferences of each guest, creating a harmonious interaction that resonates with them personally. So, EMPOWER your teams.
  5. Attention to Detail – Like the intricate melodies and countermelodies in a piece of music, attention to detail adds layers of complexity and sophistication to the guest experience. It’s about going above and beyond to ensure that every aspect of their visit is flawless and memorable.  So, CARE.
  6. Anticipation and Timing – This is like the dynamics of a musical performance, knowing when to build tension and when to release it. Anticipation and timing in service involve anticipating guest needs and delivering them at just the right moment, creating a sense of rhythm and momentum that keeps the experience engaging. So, DELIGHT and SURPRISE your guests.
  7. Farewell and Follow-up – Comparable to the closing notes of a song, the farewell and follow-up are the final impressions that linger in the guest’s mind. It’s about ending the experience on a high note, leaving guests feeling appreciated and valued even after they’ve left. So, VALIDATE and NURTURE CONNECTIONS.

Then, what about the role of the teams?

Much like the varied instruments in a symphony orchestra blend to create beautiful music, each member of our hospitality team contributes uniquely to our collective effort.

  1. Leadership/Management – The leader or manager is like the conductor of the orchestra, directing the performance and ensuring that every member of the team is in sync. Like a conductor guides musicians, the leader sets the tempo and provides direction to create a harmonious guest experience. So, SET A CLEAR VISION and ALIGN TEAMS towards a common goal.
  2. Chefs and Kitchen Staff – The chefs and kitchen staff are akin to the percussion section, providing the rhythm and beat of the culinary symphony. Like drummers setting the pace, they work together to create the backbone of the dining experience. So, LEAD BY EXAMPLE in back to basics and INSPIRE CREATIVITY.
  3. Servers and Front-of-House Staff – These team members are like the string section, adding elegance and grace to the guest experience. Like violinists and cellists, they move gracefully through the dining room, attending to guests’ needs with finesse and precision.  So, GENUINELY CARE and keep it SEAMLESS.
  4. Housekeeping Staff – The housekeeping staff are like the background singers, providing essential support and ensuring that every detail is perfect behind the scenes. Like backing vocalists adding depth to a song, they create a clean and welcoming environment for guests to enjoy.  So, RECOGNISE the team.
  5. Concierge and Guest Services – These team members are like the brass section, adding a touch of grandeur and sophistication to the guest experience. Like trumpeters heralding important moments, they provide valuable assistance and enhance the overall ambience of the hotel or restaurant. So, SUPPORT constant KNOWLEDGE on what is going on in the area and aim for PERSONALISED EXPERIENCES.
  6. Collaboration and Communication – Collaboration and communication among team members are like the harmony between different sections of an orchestra. Like musicians listening to each other and adjusting their performance accordingly, effective communication ensures that the entire team works together seamlessly to create a memorable guest experience. So, invest in TRUST embracing VULNERABILITY.
  7. Sales Team – The sales team is like the brass section, bringing boldness and energy to the operation. Like trumpets and trombones commanding attention in a musical piece, the sales team drives revenue and attracts guests with their persuasive efforts. So, SHARPEN their TOOLS constantly.
  8. Finance Team – The finance team is akin to the bass section, providing a solid foundation for the entire operation. Like the bass guitar or double bass, they keep everything grounded and ensure the financial stability and sustainability of the hotel or restaurant. So, establish excellent PROCESSES.
  9. Human Resources Team – The human resources team is like the conductor’s baton, guiding the overall performance of the team. Just as the conductor shapes the music and ensures cohesion among musicians, the HR team fosters a positive work environment, cultivates talent, and promotes teamwork within the organisation. So, keep it CLEAN.

And how do they come together?

Peter Drucker once said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast,” emphasising the significance of a thriving company culture. Nurturing a positive culture, led by servant leaders, is crucial. With that in place, and like how a note sheet guides musicians in creating beautiful music, having a plan is essential in hospitality for delivering exceptional guest experiences. It provides structure, coordination, and quality assurance while allowing for flexibility and creativity, ultimately contributing to the overarching goal of creating wonderful and everlasting memories for guests.

  1. Consistency: Just as musicians follow a sheet music to ensure consistency in their performance, having a note sheet in hospitality helps maintain consistency in service standards. It ensures that every guest receives a similar level of attention and care, regardless of who is serving them or which department they interact with. So, SET clear quality INDICATORS.
  2. Coordination: A note sheet acts as a guide for coordination among team members. In music, it helps musicians stay synchronised and play in harmony. Similarly, in hospitality, having a plan ensures that everyone knows their roles and responsibilities, leading to smoother operations and a seamless guest experience. So, PROMOTE CROSS-TRAINING and CROSS-SERVICE amongst departments.
  3. Quality Assurance: A note sheet serves as a reference for quality assurance. Musicians use it to ensure accuracy in their performance, while in hospitality, it helps maintain quality standards in service delivery. By following a predefined plan, teams can uphold the desired level of excellence and meet guest expectations consistently. So, ESTABLISH QUALITY GOALS FOR LEADERS.
  4. Flexibility and Creativity: While having a note sheet provides structure, it also allows for flexibility and creativity. Musicians often interpret sheet music in their unique style, adding their personal flair to the performance. Similarly, in hospitality, team members can adapt and improvise within the framework of the plan to cater to individual guest preferences and create memorable experiences. So, COMMUNICATE BEST PRACTICES amongst your teams.
  5. Training and Development: A note sheet serves as a valuable tool for training and development. In music, it helps beginners learn the fundamentals and advanced musicians refine their skills. Likewise, in hospitality, new employees can refer to the note sheet to understand the standards and procedures, while experienced staff can use it as a resource for continuous improvement. So, ADVOCATE for an excellent ON-BOARDING PLAN and CONSTANT MICRO-LEARNING.

Moreover, while a note sheet provides structure and guidance,the value of improvisation cannot be overlooked. Improvisation allows team members to adapt and respond to the unique needs and preferences of each guest, adding spontaneity and a personal touch to the experience. In the same way that a jazz musician might riff off a familiar melody to create something new and exciting, hospitality professionals can use their creativity and intuition to elevate the guest experience in unexpected ways.

Ultimately, it’s about striking the right balance between adherence to the note sheet and the freedom to improvise. While the note sheet provides a solid foundation, improvisation adds depth and richness, allowing team members to create truly memorable and meaningful experiences for guests.

Don’t forget to sing your heart out, play with passion, dance with everything you’ve got, and most of all, enjoy every moment!

And, AS A TRAVELLER, next time you step into a hotel or restaurant, listen closely—you might just hear the sweet sounds of service and hospitality, orchestrating a symphony of satisfaction.

Susana Marín Coe-Archer