Morgane Borzée: Paving the Path for Entrepreneurs

Morgane Borzée, a successful EADA alumna with an International MBA in Structured Finance and Private Equity, is taking advantage of her time at EADA to create something truly innovative. Morgane has combined her passion for UX design with her entrepreneurial skills to create Equanima: a startup company that enhances emotional intelligence and fosters lasting connections.   

As a part of Equanima, the alumna has launched a Kickstarter Campaign to raise funds for her company. We interviewed Morgane to learn more about the startup and her recently launched campaign. 

Can you explain the Kickstarter Campaign and how this process has been for you? Where did your inspiration come from, and what challenges did you face?

A Kickstarter campaign is a type of crowdfunding initiative that helps creators and entrepreneurs raise funds for their projects. I was inspired to launch our emotional intelligence games due to my own struggles with anxiety. I was fortunate enough to receive therapy and learned a lot about my feelings. However, many people don’t have that opportunity, so I wanted to create an engaging tool to help them better manage their emotional world.

I’ve learned so much through this process! When you have a product that delves into topics like self-awareness, communication, and emotional management, it’s not something people understand quickly. It’s not like selling a bike. You have to explain how learning about emotional intelligence will impact their lives, including their relationships, productivity, mental health, and overall happiness. The main challenge has been educating people about it and demonstrating how transformative it can be for their lives.

What are Equanima’s core objectives, and what has the response been to its creation? 

Equanima aims to be a leader in emotional intelligence education. To achieve this, we are developing both digital and tangible products, exploring various technologies, and conducting extensive testing. 

So far, we’ve received wonderful feedback. Whenever I discuss our project with someone new, the most common response is, “We need something like this so much.” I believe that, especially after the pandemic, people have come to realize just how fundamental emotional wellness is.

Can you tell us more about the different games available, and to whom would you recommend them to?

Our main game, the “Emotional Intelligence Toolkit,” is perfect for 1 or 2 players. It’s our most comprehensive product, featuring over 255 uniquely illustrated cards and activities for self-discovery and growth. We also offer the “Relationship Playbox,” specifically designed for couples, families, and friends who want to deepen their understanding of each other and improve communication. Lastly, we have the “Triggered Response Cards,” which we envision as an excellent tool for coaches and therapists to help clients understand triggers and develop better coping strategies.

What inspired you to link the idea of emotional intelligence to a physical product and game?

Our emotional world has always seemed so abstract. As a visual person and designer, I’ve always sought to make the invisible tangible. When you can see it, it provides a clearer picture, helping you connect the dots and identify patterns in your life. We’ve used system thinking to illustrate unique cards for feelings, needs, body signals, and triggered responses because they are all interconnected. Once you see these connections, you are already on a path of healing and growth.

What value does Equanima bring to both individuals and companies?

To live a more fulfilling life, improve relationships, and boost motivation and productivity, it’s crucial to manage your emotions. When our emotions are out of control, every aspect of our lives is affected. By understanding yourself and developing better communication skills, you’re setting yourself up for success both personally and professionally.

How would you define the importance of emotional intelligence for effective leadership, and how will Equanima help its users reach their development goals?

Emotional intelligence is crucial for effective leadership. A good leader must be empathetic, inspire others, listen well, and lead change. Equanima supports this by developing the essential language for emotional intelligence. If, as a leader, you don’t understand the fundamental role of emotions in decision-making, you’re missing a key point. 

Unpleasant emotions shouldn’t be suppressed. All feelings tell a story, and the key is understanding the needs behind them.

This understanding is essential for building psychological safety within your team and managing conflicts healthily. Equanima helps you connect the dots between feelings, needs, and various other factors, making it easier to address issues assertively.

For individuals aspiring to become entrepreneurs, what advice would you offer based on your experience in founding Equanima and your broader education at EADA Business School?

I suggest exploring a problem you can fall in love with. It’s not about loving a solution but being engaged in exploring a problem and iterating to find the perfect solution for it. The solution you envision today will undoubtedly change, but if the topic excites you, you will find the motivation to keep exploring, iterating, and innovating.

To learn more about Morgane’s campaign and product visit her Kickstarter Campaign today!