SKEMA International Immersion Week

As part of my International Master in Fintech & Business Analytics programme at EADA Business School, my classmates and I had the incredible opportunity to spend a week in Paris at SKEMA Business School. This immersion week was an enriching blend of intensive academic coursework and cultural exploration, offering us a unique perspective on both our studies and the vibrant city of Paris.

Focused Learning: Algorithms Design in Fintech

The primary focus of our academic schedule was the course on Algorithm Design in FinTech. This course was structured into five lectures, each designed to deepen our understanding of algorithmic applications in the financial technology sector. Furthermore, the way the course was assessed aimed at ensuring we fully grasped the theoretical and practical aspects of algorithm design in FinTech.

  • Lecture 1: Frontier Programming
  • Lecture 2: Algorithm Design Theory in FinTech
  • Lecture 3: Algorithm Design Implementations in FinTech - I
  • Lecture 4: Algorithm Design Implementations in FinTech – II
  • Lecture 5: Algorithm Design Implementations in FinTech - II

Key Takeaways from the Course

In our Algorithm Design in FinTech class, our professor shared two quotes that got us thinking. The first one, “Everything is an optimization,” reminded us how important it is to find the best way to do things, especially when it comes to designing algorithms for fintech. It made us realize that efficiency and precision are key in this field.

The second quote, “Algorithm is the way you draw your path,” made us see algorithms as more than just lines of code. It showed us that each algorithm is like a map we create to guide us through solving problems in fintech. It’s about making deliberate choices and charting a clear path forward.

Company Visit: Société Française des Analystes Financiers (SFAF)

A highlight of our week was a visit to the Société Française des Analystes Financiers (SFAF), a finance association. Here, we attended a presentation on the growing impact of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) regulations on investment decisions. Philippe Cordier, CEO of SFAF, and Antoine Goyer, Head of the Academy, provided insightful perspectives on how ESG factors are reshaping financial analysis and investment strategies. Our visit to SFAF, highlighted the growing global importance of ESG initiatives for companies of all sizes and industries. Through engaging discussions, we learned how integrating environmental, social, and governance principles is no longer a choice but a strategic necessity for long-term success. This experience emphasized the interconnectedness of sustainability and financial performance in today’s dynamic business landscape.

Exploring Paris: A Cultural Adventure

Beyond the classroom and company visits, we immersed ourselves in the rich history and culture of Paris. We explored iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and Notre-Dame Cathedral. Strolling along the Seine and through charming neighborhoods like Montmartre and Le Marais, we experienced the city’s unique blend of old-world charm and modern vibrancy.

The week was also a fantastic opportunity to strengthen bonds with my classmates. We shared countless laughs over delicious French cuisine, navigated the bustling streets of Paris together, and created lasting memories. The connections we made, both academic and personal, are sure to benefit us in our future careers and beyond.

After our trip, our professor asked us to share more about what we learned. It made us realize how our time in Paris, combined with our class discussions, helped us understand the real-world impact of algorithm design in fintech and the importance of sustainability in finance. It’s a reminder of how theory and practice work together to shape our understanding of the world.

"The opportunity to study at SKEMA and explore Paris was fantastic. The lectures on algorithm design were insightful. The blend of academic rigor and cultural immersion made this immersion week truly memorable."

Master's participant


Our international immersion week at SKEMA Business School in Paris was a transformative experience, combining rigorous academic learning with cultural exploration. The course on Algorithm Design in FinTech equipped us with valuable knowledge and skills, while our visit to SFAF highlighted the critical role of ESG in finance. Exploring Paris not only enriched our understanding of the city’s history and culture but also strengthened our camaraderie. This week has undoubtedly been a highlight of our International Master program, leaving us inspired and better prepared for the future.


Mario Molhem

Master in Fintech & Business Analytics participant

About Mario

Mario Molhem is from Montreal, Canada and is currently studying in EADA's International Master's in Fintech & Business Analytics program. Concurrent to pursuing master, he is undertaking an internship at Vueling Airline as a Revenue Analyst. Mario has a Bachelor of Commerce in International Management Business as well as prior experience in the financial sector and in managerial settings.