MBA’s International Immersion Experience in Singapore

A 12 hour flight, 6 hour time difference, and 32°C with almost 90% humidity – this is Singapore! Was it worth it? Absolutely! This May, a cohort of students went on a week-long immersion trip to Singapore, hosted by the prestigious Nanyang Business School (part of NTU – Nanyang Technological University). This program offered a unique opportunity to delve into the heart of innovation, sustainability, and entrepreneurship in Asia’s dynamic business hub.

Unveiling Singapore's Story and Sustainable Practices

Following a weekend spent on Sentosa Island being acclimated to Singapore’s vibes and humid climate, the EADA students were ready to begin their 5-day academic journey at NTU. Their first impression was “WOW”. The newly designed business school building, consistently ranked among the world’s top 15 most beautiful campuses, embodied a perfect blend of architectural elegance and environmental responsibility. Just imagine, almost the whole building is designed from timber. 

To start, the first class explored Singapore’s fascinating history, exploring the key milestones that shaped the nation’s remarkable transformation. Professor Sukvonder Singh offered a captivating perspective, highlighting the government’s strategic approach.  “Singapore is run like a business,” he remarked, “decisions are made with economic wisdom, just as a CEO would, except the leader is a minister and the asset is the country. How did Singapore become the country we know today? First Pillar – education, it is so worth investing in.”

"This trip to Singapore offered invaluable insights for our program. We gained a deep understanding of Singapore's remarkable growth trajectory, the challenges they face, and how their commitment to innovation and sustainability can influence the world. EADA's commitment to providing these experiential learning opportunities, coupled with the insightful classes at Nanyang University, made this trip truly enriching".

Diego Ramos, MBA Student

Exploring Sustainability Solutions and Engaging with Industry Leaders

Day two dove into the crucial topic of sustainability. At the cutting-edge Ecolabs facility, students participated in a thought-provoking class on renewable energy, water management, and green building practices. A particular focus was placed on waste management, a pressing issue for Singapore due to limited land space.

The day continued with an interactive tour through Ecolabs’ labs. Students interacted with researchers from diverse fields, including Arrow’s innovative neuroscience technology, a battery recycling lab tackling e-waste challenges, and a captivating exploration of autonomous vehicle technology. It was impressive to see how the ideas from the scientists transitioned into the  real  business cases.

The highlight of the day was a visit to the Google Singapore office. Students were treated to a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the workspace and enjoyed engaging discussions with Google team members. This exchange of ideas proved invaluable, fostering cross-cultural understanding and fostering connections within the tech industry. Special thanks to the Google internal communications team for the suggestions regarding the best Singaporean food-markets!

Unveiling the Power of ESG and Technological Transformation

The program continued with a session on sustainability finance, offering valuable insights into how investment decisions are increasingly incorporating ESG factors. Following this, a guided tour through the NTU 3D Printing Centre showcased the vast potential of this technology, from large-scale construction projects to intricate applications in nanotechnology.

The program culminated with a session led by Professor Vijay Senthi, recognized as the 2013 Business Professor of the Year by the Economist Intelligence Unit.  His class on digital transformation provided a glimpse into the future of business, equipping students with the knowledge to navigate an ever-evolving landscape.

A Trip that Leaves a Lasting Impression

EADA’s Singapore Immersion Program transcended academics, fostering cultural understanding and igniting a thirst for further exploration. The program equipped students with an invaluable global perspective, preparing them to become future leaders in the dynamic world of international business.

"The Singapore trip was a truly remarkable experience, both educationally and culturally. It broadens your perspective on the vastness and diversity of the global business world, igniting a further desire to explore."

Nikolay Andreev, MBA Student


 Nikolay Andreev

International MBA Participant

Nikolay Andreev

MBA Graduate Class 2024